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Agile Software Development

Software development drifts are shifting towards mitigating risks and getting the most out of productivity. An agile framework allows organizations to use flexible plans that can be modified to adapt to a dynamic environment. Ligon Tech leverages its extensive experience and expertise in Agile Software Development to endow with solutions that help organizations increase return on investment. Our agile software development solutions further help organizations achieve benefits such as, lower costs, high degree of security and reduced time-to-market.

Client Challenges

While looking for innovative solutions to enhance productivity and performance, organizations often face numerous challenges such as:

  • Consuming lower-skilled resources along a pre-planned schedule
  • Dealing with unpredictable requirements that hamper direct conversion of design into coding
  • Controlling iterations within predictable boundaries
  • Finding a customer that can adapt along with the situation

What Ligon Tech Provides?

Ligon Tech Agile provides comprehensive Agile Software Development solutions, by directly adopting some agile practices, while adjusting others, in order to meet client requirements. Ligon Tech Agile Software Development solutions offer organizations:

Visibility: At the end of each iteration, stakeholders see a working system demonstration. Ligon Tech Agile teams also provide progress metrics through burn-down charts, on a daily basis.

Flexibility: At Ligon Tech, we understand that change is inevitable. Regular demonstrations of functionality give organizations the opportunity to give feedback and request changes. Our Agile processes give organizations the flexibility to determine the work that is started in each iteration

Shorter time to market: In the Ligon Tech Agile environment, business priorities drive the order of work accomplished. Hence if a subset of the product provides a significant level of ROI, then that work is completed on a priority basis.

The key drivers of a successful Ligon Tech Agile Program are:

  • Iterative development
  • Test driven development with continuous integration
  • Daily scrum meetings
  • Active backlog management
  • Burn-down charts to show visibility

With Ligon Tech, customers can be assured of numerous benefits such as:

  • Flexibility to change requirements at any time during the development process
  • Frequent delivery of working software at various segments of completion, thereby reducing time-to-market
  • Greater visibility through frequent product demonstrations and feedback sessions
  • Lower cost of ownership through outsourcing of services

Process Consulting

Optimizing processes permits organizations to address key business goals such as cost reduction, pioneering and novel growth and sustainable competitive advantage. Enhancing process maturity enables organizations to keep pace with a changing technology landscape, while obtaining the flexibility, security and scalability, required to drive high performance. Our practitioners leverage the following consultative behavioral techniques to effectively partner with our customers

  • Curious: To identify the current process maturity;
  • Provocative: To challenge the existing state for business benefits;
  • Facilitative: To deliver practical insight by leveraging our process expertise
  • Problem Solving: To provide fast performing solutions

Ligon Tech helps organizations meet these key business requirements through our Process Consulting solutions. Leveraging on experience & expertise, our Process Consulting solutions help in developing processes that are robust and flexible.

Client Challenges

  • Lack of visibility to manage and control people, processes and priorities
  • Low productivity due to lack of standard processes, rework in fixing defects, changing requirements & lack of tools
  • Low customer satisfaction due to late delivery, spiraling cost, critical post delivery defects and lack of innovation
  • Inability to integrate various business processes quickly to satisfy and adapt to customer demands and unforeseen business changes
  • Lack of integrated vision of improvement for various elements/functions of an organization

What Ligon Tech Provides

Supported by industry standard frameworks such as Six Sigma, CMMi, ITIL etc. and technology experts across numerous domains, Ligon Tech Process Consulting solutions enable organizations to define flexible, optimized processes focuses at addressing their individual business needs. Our Process Consulting portfolio includes QA Testing Process Offerings and other general offerings.

Ligon Tech works along with clients to help them achieve numerous benefits such as:

  • Sustainable process and performance efficiency
  • Increased process speed, quality and security resulting in faster time-to-market and enhanced productivity
  • Strategic cost optimization
  • Enhanced change management
  • Leaner & simplified operations