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PHP/MYSQL Training

Php Introduction And Platform

  • PHP and Mysql introduction
  • Advantage of Learning Php and Mysql
  • Platform
  • Extension
  • Apache server
  • What we use in server
  • Mysql
  • Block Diagram of php and Mysql
  • More Extended topics on Php and Mysql
  • Installation Guide

Php Basics

  • Basic Syntax
  • Sending Data to the Web Browser
  • UnderStanding Html
  • Understanding PHP
  • Php Scripts and Syntax
  • Writing Comments
  • What are Variables?
  • About Strings
  • About Numbers
  • About Constants
  • Single vs. Double Quotation Marks

Passing Variables between Pages

  • Passing Variables through URLS
  • Passing Variables with Sessions
  • Passing Variables with Forms
  • Passing Variables with Cookies

Arrays and Files

  • Array
  • Array and Array TypesM
  • Array in readable form
  • Deleting Array
  • Counting Array
  • For Accessing Array Values
  • List Function
  • Sorting Array
  • Range Function
  • Implode and Explode Array Function
  • Files
  • Creating Folder
  • Creating Files
  • Checking the Existance of file
  • Writing in File
  • Reading the content of file
  • Copying file
  • Renaming file
  • Deleting file
  • Deleting the Whole folder and its contents
  • Php myadmin info
  • Creating Databases and Tables
  • How to create Database and Table from phpmyadmin
  • Mysql Server connection
  • Database Selection or Connection

Mysql Introduction

  • Php myadmin info
  • Creating Databases and Tables
  • How to create Database and Table from phpmyadmin
  • Mysql Server connection
  • Database Selection or Connection

Object Oriented Basic Knowledge

  • Class
  • Object
  • Constructor
  • Inheritance
  • Functions Default Value and Return type Functions Etc..


  • Create or Insert
  • Update
  • Delete


  • Using Conditionals of Queries
  • Sorting Query Results
  • Limiting Query Results
  • Inserting Data From Form into Database
  • Javascript Validations
  • Inserting Data From Form into two or more Tables
  • Joining Tables to display data from multiple Tables
  • Simple Three Tiers Coding
  • Naming Convention and Php coding Standards Plus Include and Require Function

Real Project Handling Knowledge and Pre Plan for Project

  • Dealing with making Function and Classes
  • Sql Injection
  • Page Redirection
  • Templeting Concepts
  • Css Knowledge and Basic Page Including
  • Header , Footer and Mid Content concepts
  • Adminstrator Section (Back End Part)
  • Activating an Account
  • Logging in and Logging Out
  • Password Management
  • Admin Index
  • Javascript
  • Admin user listing Adding Editing and Deleting and Validaing Form
  • Pagination concept
  • Static Page Concepts plus ( Adding, Editing, Deleting and Displaying)
  • Fckeditor Handling
  • News Section and Calender
  • Banner Section
  • Image Uploading
  • Image Validation
  • Php thumb
  • LyteBox
  • Water Marks
  • Configuration
  • Searching in Database

FrontEnd Section of Project

  • Static Page Displaying
  • Seo Concepts
  • Displaying Banner
  • News Section
  • Login Section
  • Favicon
  • Scrolling

More Extendes Topics Like

  • Regular Expression
  • Captcha
  • Ajax
  • Jquery
  • Emailing
  • Uploadin Data in Csv( comma seperated value)
  • Pay Pal Integration
  • Parsing the ini file