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Social Welfare

A social welfare function is a real-valued function that ranks conceivable social states (alternative complete descriptions of the society) from lowest to highest. Inputs of the function include any variables considered to affect the economic welfare of a society. We too have keep on mind about our responsibility towards society. We are business oriented organization but we determinately raise the values of social norms and accountability towards society and its different factors.

Presently, we are raising funds for two different purpose. The first one stands with the purpose of conserving the heritage and other is supporting children from remote area for their education.

Ligon Tech, has started its first movement on conserving heritage, starting with the temple named "Shree Laxmi-Narasimha Divya Dham" which is suited at Gaidakot VDC, Nawalparasi, Lumbini, Nepal. This is single standing "Divya Desham" in Nepal with itsdivine art based on South-Indian style. Many people move across the borderevery day, just to visit Dhams away from their nations. They are still not aware of this great temple and its location, whereby they can have their darshan yatra feel spiritually passionate and complete.

We with our aptitude effort, we have started promotion of this temple and are working to help in other sides of maintenance, daily operations and other management sides. We too are standing hand by hand to help in various project and activities launched by this great temple.

Secondly, we are motivated to help children who are very far from their home and are in search of good educations, livings and support. We tends to support them till their semi higher education and boost them to be engaged in some good profession per their capabilities. We have started with 5-6 students with fooding, lodging and with sending them to schools. With us, they have grown very excellently with securing verygoodpositionin school in both academic and extra curriculum activities.Furthermore, we will be supporting them until they got stands on their feet and will courage them on every positive moves they want to make.